2019 Medical Marijuana Awards

Following on from your recent nomination acceptance in the 2019 Medical Marijuana Awards, the judging panel have made their final decisions and I am delighted to inform you of the outcome!

To confirm, Hempijuana has been awarded:

Best Industrial Hemp Grower & Consultancy – Mid-Atlantic USA

This prestigious award marks the hard work of those individuals and firms working in this exciting sector for their innovation and excellence in their business practice as well as their outstanding overall performance.

Our awards are based solely on merit, rather than the number of votes received. Our process works to ensure that we reward parties based on their excellence in the industry, the quality of their products and their dedication to service.

Organic Hemp & Farm Consulting Services

All cannabidiol containing items are “soley derived from hemp with a delta -9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration of not more the 0.3 percent dry weight basis.”