Robert Joswick

Bob’s life path started in the coal mines of Western Pennsylvania as an abandoned child speaking only Polish until the age of ten. He developed toughness and flexibility to lead a fast paced life, swiftly moving from window washer, college and professional football player, to a successful management career with a Fortune 50 company. Riding a Harley Davidson up and down the coast of California with frequent biker bar visits, afforded insight into a wide range of shady personalities. He’s earned a BA and MBA and is a former college and professional football player for the Miami Dolphins. After retiring from the business world, Bob studied fiction writing at University of California, Riverside and currently studies English Literature and Political Science at The University of Tulsa. His first novel, The Circus, was published by Solstice Publishing. He has also has written a number of articles for a regional Southern California magazine, Urban Living, and writes for a national publication, Referee Magazine.