Everything Other World Short Story Magazine

Apex Literary Management is happy to sponsor Everything Other World short story magazine, your portal to some of the best other world short stories.

If you find yourself wondering about other planes of existence beyond our physical world, Everything Other World will satisfy the far-reaching expanse of your imagination.

Our debut issue is due to descend upon mankind on October 30th, 2018. Thereafter, we will publish one issue per quarter beginning in January, 2019.  Read further if you want to become part of our all -inclusive community of people who dare to imagine, wonder, dream, read, and write the best of Other World fiction genres on the web (or anywhere else for that matter), and submit to have your work published from a magazine that intends to leave a Sasquatch-sized footprint on the hearts of Other World fiction readers across the world.

What Is the Definition of Everything Other World?

The title of the short story magazine holds a promise for its readers and authors who submit works for consideration.

Everything that has an “other world” element to it will be considered for publication, thereby offering readers who enjoy any shade of sci-fi, speculative fiction, paranormal, and fantasy a constant wide range of the fiction you love. We will consider everything from alternate universes to paranormal to angels and demons to cryptozoology to monsters to magical elements to wormholes leading to alien worlds and beyond. Like astronauts exploring the corners of the universe and beyond, we want to read stories that explore the outer limits of your imagination. If you have a short thriller, mystery, or other genres with an element of the supernatural, we’re game.

If you are like many of us and enjoy a well-written story with these elements, we welcome you into our community of fans and fellow lovers of other world genres.

Author Submissions


While the range of genres are limitless, we do have some requirements in terms of story development.

We, the editors, ask that you consider the following elements in your story before submission, which is based upon our collective writing experience. These are some of the criteria we will examine in your story, and if you have performed any of these successfully, your submission will float to the top like cream:

  • The details of your story all fit together and flow logically. If you love stories that are elusive in the beginning, for example, but everything is explained in the end, this is fine, but make sure that any story element you present has a purpose. The story must flow logically.

  • While we understand that 5,000 words can present a challenge in world-building, if you are creating a different world, your world needs to be as well-developed as possible. Help us taste a plant that we’ve never tasted before, or see a magical world after you brought us through a portal into another dimension. Help us see the creatures you created, including the sinewy tendrils of its vine-like arms, or its plasma-like, oozing, rotting core. It doesn’t have to be on the level of Jane Eyre, but the more palpable your world is without bogging the story down in details, the better we will appreciate your talent for both succinctness and detailed writing.

  • Stories are well-balanced. Elements such as setting, plot development, and character development work in synergy to create an unforgettable story.

  • Remember to check your style and language used in your story. Many authors argue, but, it’s a great story; typos don’t matter much in the grand scheme of things. One typo is forgivable, but if your work is infused with grammatical errors, your work might be overlooked. They matter to the editors of this magazine and any other. If it is obvious to us that you have not at least run your story through a spell and grammar-checker prior to submission, it will affect your submission. Impress us with not only your writing skill, but your editing skill as well. Edit out passive voice, typos, repetition, overuse of em dashes and colons, and other first-draft writing tendencies, and you will wind up on the top of our pile.

If your submission was not accepted, it could be for a variety of editorial reasons, but take heart. We love our authors because the editors of this magazine are authors as well. We encourage you to join our Goodreads community, to keep your ear to the ground for submission openings, and stay in touch. We believe in your inner greatness and support you in your efforts.

Artist Submissions

Whether you paint an abstract painting, a life-like rendition of an alien being, or you have captured a ghostly apparition with  your camera, we will consider your artwork. If your work fits thematically into our issues, you have a greater chance of having your work selected for publication as the cover picture for our issues. Whatever it is, dazzle us with your artistic skill, and remember to mention us when you’re famous.

Submission Requirements for the Debut Issue

Our maiden issue will debut on October 30th, 2018. There are five requirements for author submissions:

  1. The story is around 5,000 words.

  2. The story begins with this sentence: “Whenever my daughter used to say, ‘It’s okay, Mommy. Go back to sleep,’ I always knew there would be trouble.”

  3. The story must have an “other world” element in it, such as the supernatural, paranormal, etc. Is it a dark angel of death working through a child? Is it aliens controlling children to do their bidding? As long as it is scary, has an other world element, and begins with the required first line, we will consider your work for publication.

  4. Keeping in mind the time of year the issue will be published, Halloween, will help us consider your submission.

  5. Submit your story as an attachment to apexliterarymanagement@gmail.com by October 10th, 2018.


At this time, we cannot offer paid compensation. However, you will gain access to our community of people who love other world genres, a chance to expand your platform, and the opportunity to work with talented editors who care about your growth as a writer and artist.

A Note: Apex Literary Management is thrilled about their partnership with Everything Other World short story magazine. Authors should keep in mind that Apex Literary Management and Everything Other World Magazine are two separate entities. Acceptance into the short story magazine does not ensure acceptance into Apex Literary Management, and visa-versa. Thank you in advance for your understanding.